Saturday, June 26, 2010

Richard Hawley - Tonight The Streets Are Ours

Richard Hawley, 前Longpigs及前Pulp成員, 一位我好喜歡既英國唱作人, 有人認為佢係英國最佳唱作人, 無何否認, 他確是一位好出色既音樂人, 有著濃厚70s 既音樂情懷, 最近佢又出新碟啦!!

On 7th June 2010, Richard Hawley releases a new EP False Lights From The Land on Mute. Comprised of four songs inspired by the ocean (a familiar theme in Hawley's songwriting), the EP will be available both as a download and as a 10” vinyl limited edition whcih also includes a bonus CD.

呢個youtube 是取自佢2007年大碟Lady's Bridge.

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