Saturday, July 19, 2014

Morrissey - World Peace Is None of Your Business (2014)

2014 年其中一張最佳大碟,老摩新碟 Morrissey - World Peace Is None of Your Business 係無懈可擊的,區區近期日聽夜聽,就係呢張碟,非常耐聽,歌詞一如以往,寫得非常棒,值得慢慢細讀 !!

雖然 Morrissey 既舊拍檔 Alain Whyte 今次冇參與此碟,影響仍然不大......


Iggy Gould

the songwriting just gets better and better the older he gets. this album is breathtaking. buying it right now. i absolutely love it, goosebumps all over the place. the best he has ever done , easily. this is going to be an all time classic. buy it !!!