Thursday, February 06, 2014

Radiohead x LiDAR

人生樂趣,莫過於工作與興趣二合為一,Radiohead x LiDAR !!

特別係新任 ASPRS 老總 Dr. Michael Hauck 係今個月 發表一篇演說, 名為

“From Galileo to Radiohead and Beyond,” 有趣 !! 學 Dr. Tree Gun 口吻,我「肯肯定」Dr. Hauck 係一位超英迷, 英國殿堂級大Band Radiohead fans !!

In his address, “From Galileo to Radiohead and Beyond,” Dr. Hauck will discuss the future of imaging and geospatial information, giving a nod  to Galileo’s telescope and the British rock group Radiohead’s use of LiDAR technology to produce its Grammy-nominated “House of Cards.”  “I'll make some predictions which, in 5-10 years, attendees may be able to look back upon and say with pride that they were part of the team that made them happen, and that they got the idea at ILMF,” said Dr. Hauck.

In Radiohead's new video for "House of Cards", no cameras or lights were used. Instead, 3D plotting technologies collected information about the shapes and relative distances of objects. The video was created entirely with visualizations of that data.

Directed by James Frost

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