Sunday, April 29, 2012


點解版權條例修訂咁多人反對 ? 點建被稱為網絡廿三條? 因為呢個係僅餘的言論自由,也被封殺,試想想如果版權條例修訂通過,呢個YouTube已經可能犯法!!

不得不讚,呢段片,極盡諷刺之能事,講出好多香港打工仔的心聲,垃圾地鐡,拍埋晒d 低b廣告,扮感人,正一on 9 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Blue October - The Worry List

來自 Houston, Texas 既Blue October 出左新single - The Worry List, 悠閒週末時聽, 另有一番感受!!

I'm tired, twisted, barely breathing, buried in the dark
Don't be concerned, it's just the power of a breaking heart.
How good am I hiding it?
Look, I've got some bad intentions.
Guilty as fucking charged.
Still standing stable, more than able 'cause I know who you are.
I know the birthdays, anniversaries, all the first days I missed.
I regret them all.
But now I know this:

I know that God exists.
I held her in my arms.
I never knew I was able to ever feel this strong.
Take me off your worry list.
It'll be better that way.
I'm really fine and there's nothing we haven't talked about.
So, take me off your worry list I said, "Throw it away."
This is what my life is about.
I might have been gone but I never walked out.

I've taken a thousand red eyes to change your point of view.
What kind of man would take the trust you break and still follow through?
'Cause I'm standin' right here.
And you may not show up.
This same gate 14 where, honestly, I'm just sick of calling your bluff.
And it's just embarrassing, that I nearly threw up
And I'm trying hard to change the things I always screw up.
And at the top of my list, this visitation's no relationship.
But I gotta make the best of it.
'Cause I know -
[ Lyrics from: ]
I know that God exists.
I held her in my arms.
I never knew I was able to ever feel this strong.
Take me off your worry list.
It'll be better that way.
And I'm doin' fine and I've got plenty of friends around.
Take me off your worry list.
Just throw it away.
Well, it's time to stand up on my own for her.
'Cause I'm packing it up, and I'm comin' today.

I couldn't wait to finally pick my family up.
Everything is quiet and covered in snow.
There's something wrong here...
Nobody's at home.
Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
Now, I'm back in the driver's seat.
Heading back home.
Yeah, back to Texas on my own.

Take me off your worry list.
It'll be better that way.
And I'm doin' fine and I've got plenty of friends around.
Take me off your worry list.
Just throw it away.
Yeah, it's time to stand up on my own for her.
I'm packing it up, and I'm comin' today.
This is what my story's about.
I might have been gone but I never walked out.
I'm packin' it up, and I'm comin' today.

This is what your story's about.
My pretty little girl, can you figure it out?
If it helps to know so there is no doubt,
Just listen to the stories.
Not everything is glorious.
Some hurt, some love, some shout.
I fought the world and I lost that bout.
And you are what my album's about.
I might have been gone, but I never walked out.

More lyrics:

Thursday, April 26, 2012







泛民讓步 令人憤慨





Tuesday, April 24, 2012


話說剛過去星期六,推介開心歡笑,因為唔夠冷 (呢個馬房最愛大冷先出擊!),落弟而回,有巴打郭,相信小弟心水,誠意推介俾岳父大人,結果換來一聲臭罵...


第5場 3 百利旺

第8場 4 勁有盈

Saturday, April 21, 2012


潮州怒漢: 詹培忠就罷免梁國雄動議發言,亂9咁up, 讓人發笑!

Friday, April 20, 2012


有一隻馬,區區已經觀察2年,評分大利,星期六沙田日馬,又再出賽,呢隻馬叫「開心歡笑」,名列第8場5號,你問我追唔追? 一定追!!

今次同場對手雖然甚強,有不敗之師「山頂」,又有「芙蓉之寶」、「金剛驃」、「海鑽石」呢d當銳分子,但係,各位大大,不應對「開心歡笑」爭勝機會抱有絲毫懷疑,因為呢隻馬係同「天久」平頭過終點!! 「天久」何許馬? 香港一級賽盟主!! 


Thursday, April 19, 2012


毓民講得好, 當年支持領匯上市既人, 現在出來反對領匯, 實在可笑!!

Sunday, April 15, 2012


OurRadio 音樂次文化 2012年04月05日個集,  搵左嘉賓 Eddie Hui (Elf Fatima) 講 Post-Rock, Post-Rock 是小弟一向甚喜歡的音樂類型, 往往令人有想像的空間, 時而寂靜, 時而氣勢浩瀚, 超正!!

呢集雖然講Post-Rock 不夠深入, 蜻蜓點水, 不過, 當中兩選曲超讚!! 兩隊都是來自日本, Post-Rock班霸Mono and Envy, 特別是 Envy - A Warm Room, 動聽的令人落淚!!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

歐聯前席 2x1

自己甚少買波,不過,歐聯前席,往往是贏錢的黃金機會!! 下週週中又有歐聯賽事,今個週六週日,各位大大,一於買多少歐聯球隊對家,考考自己眼光!!

拜仁慕尼黑 對 緬恩斯 --> 緬恩斯坐和望贏!!

熱刺 對 車路士 -->  熱刺坐和望贏!!

Thursday, April 12, 2012


最近, 最hit節目, 唔駛多講, 一定係呢套, 盛女愛作戰, 同盧大哥每日分析, 意見一致, 盛女外表其實不是問題, 最大問題是「態度」!! 如果孤芳自賞, 又冇先天條件, 死得!

前兩日, 聽香港人網節目「早朝天下」, 主持皇上, 評論一針見血, 炮轟節目中個位甚麼星級人生教練 Winnie (你奶奶的! 人生教練 ? 這是甚麼職業來的? ) 甚表讚同!!



Saturday, April 07, 2012


愛因斯坦講過: 常識是人類18歲前的一種偏見...

當人人都一窩峰去做時, 是否就代表好? 這是一篇好文章, 香港的怪獸家長, 值得反思!! 我有一位老表, 一位親戚, 他們的兒女, 都是沒有接受學前教育, 和我們一樣, 3歲讀幼稚園, 他們的想法, 我是由心的敬佩!!


《明報》專欄作者王師奶在「如果 6歲前玩玩吓」引述屈穎妍文章,講到德國有法例規定, 6歲以下兒童,不得進行任何形式的學前教育。



反觀香港的孩子們, 6歲前在做甚麼呢?被父母送去參加一個一個「興趣班」,而他們其實不知道自己的興趣是甚麼,他們甚至沒有機會好好認識自己,認識這個世界,只是被一堆一堆的「知識」填充大腦。來不及消化,不懂得思考。沒有童真,沒有孩子應該有的快樂。



Ref.: Apple Daily

Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Of Monsters and Men - Little Talks

來自冰島 (Reykjavík, Iceland) 既6人新星 Of Monsters and Men, 首張 single "Little Talks" 確是出色之作, 歌詞值得細味!!

Hey! Hey! Hey!
I don't like walking around this old and empty house
So hold my hand, I'll walk with you my dear
The stairs creak as I sleep, it's keeping me awake
It's the house telling you to close your eyes

Some days I can't even trust myself
It's killing me to see you this way

'Cause though the truth may vary
This ship will carry
Our bodies safe to shore

Hey! Hey! Hey!
There's an old voice in my head that's holding me back
I tell her that I miss our little talks
Soon it will all be over, buried with our past
You used to play outside when you were young,
Full of life and full of love

Some days I feel like I am wrong and I am right
Your mind is playing tricks on you my dear

'Cause though the truth may vary
This ship will carry
Our bodies safe to shore

Don't listen to a word I say
The screams all sound the same

'Cause though the truth may vary
This ship will carry
Our bodies safe to shore

Go go go away
I wish you'd disappear
All that's left is a ghost of you
Now we're torn torn torn apart, there's nothing we can do
Just let me go, me against you
Now wait wait wait for me
Please hang around
I see you when I fall asleep

Don't listen to a word I say
The screams all sound the same

'Cause though the truth may vary
This ship will carry
Our bodies safe to shore

Don't listen to a word I say
The screams all sound the same

'Cause though the truth may vary
This ship will carry
Our bodies safe to shore

'Cause though the truth may vary
This ship will carry
Our bodies safe to shore

'Cause though the truth may vary
This ship will carry
Our bodies safe to shore

有d網友俾既comment, 甚為同意!!

"This is a song I loved and loved 1000x better after reading the lyrics. Instead of a fun catchy new tune the meaning was really hit hard on me. I think it’s about a woman leaving her husband and the song is their argument. She is trying to defend her decision and he is heartbreakingly supportive:

I don't like walking around this old and empty house
So hold my hand, I'll walk with you my dear

Then in a few lines down when he reminisces about playing outside "when we were young, full of live, full of love" she starts with her verse before he finishes and cuts off the word "love" because she can't listen because it's too painful and she knows she may be making a mistake: 

Some days I feel like I am wrong and I am right

In the chorus I hear "The screams all sound the same" and not "The streets of Solomon sang". It becomes interesting as the instruments seem to get a little louder and faster in a frantic way towards the end of the song representing the heightened emotion and anger between the two. Even the tone of when the two sing become less harmonious and more frustrated.

I just can’t figure out what the ship is. In my mind they don’t end up together. After all is said and done they part ways and live their separate lives, fall in love with other people, and basically have a happy ending (safe to shore), just without each other which. It’s heartbreaking to think the love of your life could be fine without you and the little talks."

Good Old War - Come Back as Rain

最近, 這隊來自美國費城既樂隊Good Old War, 甚得區區歡心, 剛剛出了第三張大碟Come Back as Rain的他們, 真的超正!!