多謝Paul哥 upload 上 youtube...絕對係誠意之作!!同意Larry 的說話, 當晚個waiter真係pk...不過, 錯有錯著, 可能佢知到阿揚唔想太"揚", 所以中段先播啦...P.S. 不過, 想了一想, 我認為甄x揚當晚是在現場, 躲在某角落, 和我們通電話, 因為長途電話冇可能講咁耐, 同埋條片唔能夠原版播出, 搗亂者應該不是waiter, 係另有其人!!
Thanks Paul to put this video on youtube....i even didnt say such 肉麻 words to my ex-wife....i dont want to watch it again....hahaFrom Waiter
very touching ar...thanks ben for sharing this video in your blog !!!
Thanks Paul to put this video on youtube....i even didnt say such 肉麻 words to my ex-wife....i dont want to watch it again....haha
very touching ar...
ReplyDeletethanks ben for sharing this video in your blog !!!