Sunday, July 06, 2008

Shortlisting criteria

有時覺得自己脾氣真好, 看完呢封信, 還可以心平氣和, 沒有把它撕掉!

想不到要用一個月零二十三日去解釋, 以為是甚麼"驚天動地"既原因, 原來只是解釋左等於冇解釋既解釋, 唔明? 我係到原段 quote 俾大家睇睇

" Due to the large number of candidates meeting the specified entry requirements, shortlisting criteria was imposed to select the most suitable candidates for further processing in this recruitment exercise. It was decided that only candidates that had relevant work experience will be selected for interview. In this regard, I regret to inform you that you have not met this requirement."

可能我英文差, 唔理解甚麼叫 relevant work experience, 我都識少少朋友, 佢地都肯樂意提供佢地既個人working experience 資料俾我, 我所知既係...

Case1: 冇Surveying 經驗, 做過GIS, Programming
Case2: 冇2年Surveying 經驗, 其他工作 not related to Surveying
Case3: 冇Surveying(Land) 經驗, 只有Surveying(Eng.)經驗


Case1: at least 5 年 Surveying 經驗, 仲要做過 CTSO...

Relevant? 一或打錯字irrelevant? 我覺得似後者多d lor...不要當人家係文盲吧

P.S. 聽到消息B仔收到reject letter, 我真係覺得好意外lor, B仔處事方法雖不苟同, 但係你話佢係呢個post 既經驗同資歷, 我覺得係所有人之中 top one lor, 阿哥, 而家唔係請CEO或者請特首呀, 一個technical grade 既post, B仔超晒班, 你識佢又識, 你唔識佢都識, 試問花這麼少錢去請一個咁有經驗既人, 點解唔得? ...公平, 公開, 公正...不要再玩弄文字吧

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